Basic html tags

Basic html tags

Note: All html tags have a beginning tag and an end tag.

Example 1:

  • Beginning– <p>

  • End– </p>


  • Beginning– <head>

  • End– </head>

I am going to show you some HTML tags with examples of how they can be used

Below are the basic tags commonly used in html.

<html> </html>

This is a standard tag which is used at the beginning and at the end of a document


<p> </p>

This tag is used to create a paragraph.

It serves the purpose of creating a gap or moving texts to another line.


Html and css

<p> what is html</p>

<a> </a>

This tag is used to link web pages.

The main attribute of this tag is "href" (HyperText Reference)


<a href="">html


<b> </b>

This tag is used to make text appear in bold. It places emphasis on a particular word, to make it recognized as an important word.



this text is in bold


<strong> </strong>

This tag is used to bold text with emphasis

It shows that the text is strongly emphasized on.



this is the effect of the strong tag


<body> </body>

This is the main part of the document in which the HTML is embedded.


This html tag is used to input blank lines and create large space. It makes a webpage easier to view and understand


This article serves as a reference.<br><br>

If you forget the function of any html tag<br><br>

i will be here to guide you<br><br>


<div> </div>

This tag is used to group and divide parts of an HTML. Example, on a clothing website </div> will be used to classify different clothing into sections like shoes, casual wear, office wear etc.


<head> </head>

This tag contains the metadata i.e the data about the page description, title, viewport setting, style etc. It is not displayed on the webpage.

<h1> </h1> <h2> </h2> ... <h6> </h6>

This tag is used to create titles and heading.

It is used in other for readers to understand the important and specific part of the documents. It helps to generate a table of content.



heading 1



heading 2



heading 3



heading 6


<i> </i>

This HTML tag makes text appear in italics. Italics helps to place emphasis on a word or sentence to make the reader know it's importance.



this text is in italics


<img> </img>

This tag is used to input images into a webpage. It's most important attribute is src (source). It indicates the source and location of the image.

<ol> </ol>

This tag stand for an ordered list. It means that all items listed will be numbered automatically. It also includes <li> List Items.


<ol> <li> number </li> <li> number </li> <li> number </li> </ol>

<ul> </ul>

This tag stands for an unordered list. It makes listed items appear in bullet form.

Each item will have a bullet.


<ul> <li>i am a technical writer</li> <li> i love remote jobs</li> <li>i am available to volunteer</li> </ul>

<li> </li>

This tag is used within an ordered (<ol>) and unordered list (<ul>).

<span> </span>

It's function is to style a portion of a text

It creates room for styling of different text in sentence.